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Research conducted by Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business meets national and international priorities: it is multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary; the Faculty’s scientists and researchers are participating in national and international projects, taking part in scientific conferences, and are actively involved in R&D projects and non-formal education. Global grant programmes and involvement in national research programmes enables the Faculty’s scientists to achieve significant results.

Research areas

Studies on traffic safety, transport logistics and environmental protection

Research focuses on investigations on traffic accidents in streets and roads by defining the reasons of these accidents and finding solutions. Studies on transport logistics aim to explore the possibilities of applying technological solutions in the fields of cargo loading/uploading, storage and freight. The issues of logistics centres management have been also investigated. Research in environmental protection solves the questions related to transport noise, pollution, vibration prevention and control.


Studies on strength of materials and structural elements and technology processes of their processing

Research in this topic is devoted to the development and improvement of methodologies for the determination of strength, stiffness and durability of loaded layered (mechanically heterogeneous) structural elements. The method of calculation of elastically deformable layered structural elements has been developed, which allows to precisely predict the behaviour of such constructions during loading and compression loading, and predicts decomposition and strength.


Building materials for constructions and energy

Research in this topic is related to the development of multi-purpose selection methods for efficient solutions for A ++ energy efficiency buildings.

Organisational processes and management solutions in the context of enhancing competitiveness

Research in this topic is related to the effectiveness of organisational processes and evaluation of their efficiency with the aim to optimise the processes in different stages of value chain creation and to develop the organisational values that lead to socially responsible behaviour. The search for management solutions is based on identifying practical problems in economics, management, finances, law and marketing and applying the research based knowledge and organisational wisdom.


Educational empowerment and employability

This topic deals with the qualitative and quantitative research on academic youth mobility and their integration into job market or other forms of employment (entrepreneurship, volunteering, self-employment) taking into account other stakeholders (educational institutions and job market representatives). The focus on educational empowerment is related to the exploration of the ways for developing youth‘s competences required by job market and enabling leadership for learning. The latter research aspect reflects the studies on educational empowerment of schools community: encouragement of leadership among teachers and pupils, analysis of relationship between pupils’ learning achievements and leadership.

Research groups

Research group Head of the Research Group
Modelling, development and application of microelectromechanical systems Prof. dr. Darius Viržonis

Research achievements and impact


Barauskas, Dovydas (autorius, išradimo); Viržonis, Darius (autorius, išradimo); Baltrušaitis, Jonas (autorius, išradimo); Vanagas, Gailius (autorius, išradimo); Pelenis, Donatas (autorius, išradimo). Dujų jutiklis su talpinio mikromontuojamo ultragarso keitiklio struktūra ir funkciniu polimero sluoksniu / išradėjai: D. Barauskas, D. Viržonis, J. Baltrušaitis, G. Vanagas, D. Pelenis; savininkas: Kauno technologijos universitetas. LT 6821 B. 2021-05-25. [Espacenet] [M. kr.: T 008].
Vanagas, Gailius (autorius, išradimo); Viržonis, Darius (autorius, išradimo); Šergalis, Gvidas (autorius, išradimo); Ramanavičienė, Almira (autorius, išradimo); Ramanavičius, Arūnas (autorius, išradimo). Skysto mėginio analizavimo sistema ir būdas = System and method of analyse of liquid sample / išradėjai: G. Vanagas, D. Viržonis, G. Šergalis, A. Ramanavičienė, A. Ramanavičius; savininkas: Kauno technologijos universitetas. LT 6394 B. 2017-06-12. [Lietuvos Respublikos patentų duomenų bazė; Espacenet] [M. kr.: N 003, T 001].
Valickas, Jonas (autorius, išradimo); Jankauskas, Jonas Algimantas (autorius, išradimo); Satkevičius, Martynas (autorius, išradimo). Laiptais galintis kopti įrenginys ir tokio įrenginio pavaros energijos sąnaudų valdymo būdas / išradėjai: J. Valickas, J. A. Jankauskas, M. Satkevičius; savininkas: Kauno technologijos universitetas. LT 6343 B. 2017-01-10. [Lietuvos Respublikos patentų duomenų bazė; Espacenet] [M. kr.: T 009].
Barauskas, Dovydas (autorius, išradimo); Virzonis, Darius (autorius, išradimo); Baltrusaitis, Jonas (autorius, išradimo); Vanagas, Gailius (autorius, išradimo); Pelenis, Donatas (autorius, išradimo). Gas sensor with capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer structure and functional polymer layer: international patent application / inventors: D. Barauskas, D. Virzonis, J. Baltrusaitis, G. Vanagas, D. Pelenis; applicant: Kaunas university of technology. WO 2021028827 A1. 2021-02-18. [Espacenet] [M. kr.: T 008].

Research infrastructure and services

Research-based technological solutions developed by our Faculty‘s scientists and researchers help solve the problems of business and industry clients. The R&D collaboration includes all stages of activity: from completing simple orders to first testing of prototypes and joint R&D projects of national and international importance.


Using technological solutions created by our scientists and researchers we help our clients solve technological problems. Partnership with business encompasses all stages of cooperation: from simple orders and first tests to joint R&D projects and other services.
Reserve equipment or order a service through KTU Open Access Centre.


Science Projects

Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business

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Significant publications


Schulze, Frank; Gao, Xinghua; Virzonis, Darius; Damiati, Samar; Schneider, Marlon R.; Kodzius, Rimantas. Air quality effects on human health and approaches for its assessment through microfluidic chips // Genes. Basel: MDPI. ISSN 2073-4425. eISSN 2073-4425. 2017, vol. 8, iss. 10, art. no. 244, p. 1-26. DOI: 10.3390/genes8100244 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,191; AIF: 3,953; IF/AIF: 0,807; Q2 (2017, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: N 011].
Pelenis, Donatas; Barauskas, Dovydas; Sapeliauskas, Evaldas; Vanagas, Gailius; Mikolajunas, Marius; Virzonis, Darius. Acoustical streaming in microfluidic CMUT integrated chip controls the biochemical interaction rate // Journal of microelectromechanical systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. ISSN 1057-7157. eISSN 1941-0158. 2017, vol. 26, iss. 5, p. 1012-1017. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2017.2701144 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; INSPEC] [IF: 2,475; AIF: 3,834; IF/AIF: 0,645; Q2 (2017, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: T 001].
Jucius, D.; Grigaliūnas, V.; Lazauskas, A.; Sapeliauskas, E.; Abakevičienė, B.; Smetona, S.; Tamulevičius, S. Effect of fused silica surface wettability on thermal reflow of polymer microlens arrays // Microsystem technologies. Berlin: Springer. ISSN 0946-7076. eISSN 1432-1858. 2017, vol. 23, iss. 6, p. 2193-2206. DOI: 10.1007/s00542-016-2975-3 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 1,581; AIF: 4,361; IF/AIF: 0,362; Q3 (2017, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: T 008].
Leisyte, Liudvika; Vilkas, Mantas; Staniskiene, Egle; Zostautiene, Daiva. Balancing countervailing processes at a Lithuanian university // Learning Organization. Bingley, W. Yorkshire: Emerald. ISSN 0969-6474. eISSN 1758-7905. 2017, Vol. 24, iss. 5, p. 1-13. DOI: 10.1108/TLO-02-2017-0025 [Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science); Scopus; EMERALD] [CiteScore: 2,10; SNIP: 1,118; SJR: 0,345; Q2 (2017, Scopus Sources)] [M. kr.: S 003].
Zostautiene, Daiva; Zvireliene, Renata; Susniene, Dalia. Changes of marketing culture expression: comparison analysis in times of economic recession and recovery // Economic research = Ekonomska istraživanja. Oxfordshire: Routledge-Taylor & Francis Group. ISSN 1331-677X. eISSN 1848-9664. 2017, vol. 30, iss. 1, p. 302-317. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2017.1305806 [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Scopus; DOAJ] [IF: 1,137; AIF: 1,766; IF/AIF: 0,643; Q2 (2017, InCites JCR SSCI)] [CiteScore: 1,60; SNIP: 1,514; SJR: 0,404; Q2 (2017, Scopus Sources)] [M. kr.: S 003].
Mazeika, Romas; Dambrauskas, Tadas; Baltakys, Kestutis; Mikolajunas, Marius; Staugaitis, Gediminas; Virzonis, Darius; Baltrusaitis, Jonas. Molecular and morphological structure of poultry manure derived organo-mineral fertilizers (OMFs) // ACS sustainable chemistry and engineering. Washington, NW: ACS publications. eISSN 2168-0485. 2016, vol. 4, iss. 9, p. 4788-4796. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00984. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 5,951; AIF: 4,639; IF/AIF: 1,282; Q1 (2016, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: T 005].
Grigaliūnas, Viktoras; Lazauskas, Algirdas; Jucius, Dalius; Viržonis, Darius; Abakevičienė, Brigita; Smetona, Saulius; Tamulevičius, Sigitas. Microlens fabrication by 3D electron beam lithography combined with thermal reflow technique // Microelectronic engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 0167-9317. eISSN 1873-5568. 2016, vol. 164, p. 23-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2016.07.003 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; Academic Search Complete] [IF: 1,806; AIF: 3,636; IF/AIF: 0,496; Q2 (2016, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: T 008].
Barauskas, Dovydas; Pelenis, Donatas; Virzonis, Darius; Baltrus, John P.; Baltrusaitis, Jonas. Greenhouse gas molecule CO2 detection using a capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer // Analytical chemistry. Washington, NW: ACS publications. ISSN 0003-2700. eISSN 1520-6882. 2016, vol. 88, iss. 13, p. 6662-6665. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02085 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 6,320; AIF: 3,251; IF/AIF: 1,944; Q1 (2016, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: T 008, T 001].
Iljinas, Aleksandras; Stankus, Vytautas; Kaliasas, Remigijus. Synthesis of PbTiO3 thin films by annealing multilayer oxide structures in vacuum // Acta physica Polonica A. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. ISSN 0587-4246. eISSN 1898-794X. 2016, vol. 129, iss. 1, p. 121-124. DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.129.121 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Current Contents / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences; Compendex] [IF: 0,469; AIF: 2,777; IF/AIF: 0,168; Q4 (2016, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: N 002].
Susnienė, Dalia; Žostautienė, Daiva. Synergy of corporate and marketing culture in fostering corporate social responsibility // Journal of promotion management. Oxon: Routledge-Taylor & Francis. ISSN 1049-6491. eISSN 1540-7594. 2016, vol. 22, iss. 2, p. 209-223. DOI: 10.1080/10496491.2016.1121734 [Scopus; Academic Search Complete; ERIC] [CiteScore: 0,80; SNIP: 0,641; SJR: 0,274; Q3 (2016, Scopus Sources)] [M. kr.: S 003].
Sapeliauskas, Evaldas; Vanagas, Gailius; Barauskas, Dovydas; Mikolajūnas, Marius; Pakėnas, Egidijus; Pelenis, Donatas; Šergalis, Gvidas; Jukna, Tomas; Viržonis, Darius. Design, simulation and testing of capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer-based phospholipidic biosensor elements // Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Bristol: IOP Publishing. ISSN 0960-1317. eISSN 1361-6439. 2015, Vol. 25, iss. 7, art. 075013, p. 1-9. DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/25/7/075013 [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Current Contents / Engineering, Computing & Technology] [IF: 1,768; AIF: 3,105; IF/AIF: 0,569; Q2 (2015, InCites JCR SCIE)] [M. kr.: N 003, T 001].
Micevičienė, Diana; Sinkevičius, Vytenis; Urbanavičiūtė, Lina; Henschke, Martin. Robotization in disabled care: projection of the impact on the economy and methodological framework evaluation // Procedia social and behavioral sciences: 20th international scientific conference economics and management 2015 (ICEM-2015). Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 1877-0428. 2015, vol. 213, p. 867-872. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.497 [Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (Web of Science); ScienceDirect] [CiteScore: 0,00; SNIP: 0,654; SJR: 0,158 (2015, Scopus Sources)] [M. kr.: S 003].
Torma, András; Hatwágner, Miklós F.; Susnienė, Dalia; Žostautienė, Daiva; Kóczy, László T. Simulation of causal relations of stakeholder management system by using Fuzzy Cognitive Map approach – a comparison of Hungarian and Lithuanian attitudes // Procedia computer science : International conference on communication, management and information technology (ICCMIT 2015). Amsterdam: Elsevier. eISSN 1877-0509. 2015, vol. 65, p. 880-890. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.09.047. [Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (Web of Science); Scopus; ScienceDirect] [CiteScore: 0,90; SNIP: 0,802; SJR: 0,266; Q2 (2015, Scopus Sources)] [M. kr.: S 003, N 001].


Dr. Olga Strikulienė 
Vice-Dean for Research

Nemuno st. 33,  LT – 37164 Panevėžys


Mindaugas Kemzūra
Technology Transfer Project Manager

Donelaičio st. 73, LT – 44249 Kaunas